As a mountain biker you learn very fast that you have to look where you want to go. If you do
not want to go off that cliff, do
not even look in the direction of that cliff. It is totally easier said than done. When you think about it, it makes sense, you will go in the direction you are looking, but sometimes we can get so scared about what
could happen that we become completely and totally obsessed with it. Over time and with lots of practice you start to trust that if you can keep your eyes on the trail and you will get where you need to go.
The same is true with our health and fitness goals. Where do you want to go? Are you planning on competing in an upcoming competition (the CrossFit Open, Sea Otter Classic, or maybe just fitting your workouts in on a regular basis), keeping your eyes focused on where you want to go will facilitate a finish you can be proud of.
Distractions are plenty; sugar filled food that does nothing to help you body rebuild itself stronger, too little sleep, or high stress. If you focus on where you want to go you are less likely to succumb to participation in things that do not get you to your goal. Now don't get me wrong, obsession is never a good thing, but discipline is (there is a big difference).

Don't have a goal? Not a problem. Take a few minutes for yourself today and consider what you would do if failure wasn't an option. The challenge should make you a little nervous just thinking about it.
Last year when I did my first downhill mountain bike race, waiting at the top of the mountain just before my start time, I wasn't sure if I was going to cry, puke or scream. Fast forward to the bottom and I was just like
this kid. Had I not taken the risk I would have never felt the pure joy (and pain) that goes along with pushing yourself out your comfort zone. The feeling of accomplishment is completely and totally worth the risk. So what makes you scared but excited at the same time? Do it!!!
So what's next? Now that you have your goal, get out there and hold yourself accountable. Find a coach or friend who can support you and keep you focused.
This goal setting website does a great job of providing a step by step approach to chasing after something that excites you! What are you waiting for?? Its GAME TIME!
ps: Let me know how it goes :)